made up of moments is a lifestyle and travel blog dedicated to sharing moments of travelling to new destinations, seeing a new band, sampling a new wine and everything in between.
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Welcome to a New Year
Well, hello, 2021! And goodbye 2020… There have been several funny memes circulating on Facebook in the lead up to 2021. And who can blame them, 2020 was definitely an experience. Here are a couple I particularly liked. Reveiwing my 2020 goals Before I look forward, I...
Exploring the Burgundy region
Fields of orange, red and yellow that seem to go on forever. Prolonged skies of various shades of blue and grey with the intermittent wisp of white. Stone buildings with the occasional steeple dotting the landscape. You may even catch a glimpse of the distinctive...
Mid-life crisis or just life?
Every week I buy a Powerball lotto ticket online. On Friday morning I log into my Lotterywest account to check to see if I have struck it lucky. I get a little excited with anticipation when I do this. I think to myself, what if it’s me. What if this week, I’m the...
live | love | travel

live for the moments